Recap: 1.30.17 – 2.5.17 (G.O.A.T edition)

I may or may not have promised to go to church next week for this win.
That was the best comeback ever. Seriously some crazy sports history. Being the only Pats fan in the room, I was sitting in shame for most of that game. That was just silly. Of course Pats would win! This is one happy Masshole now.
You bet your booty I binged on chips, salsa and guac…and then couldn’t say no to some veggie and chicken Mac&Cheese. …preview for next week’s update – I ran with the bloat and I don’t care because it was worth it! Go Pats!
Gonna be a quick recap this week because I’m swamped with reviewing stuff for school and the game took up some time of course. Plus, 2 goals going on in my free time: Doing every program in my C++ book just to really get a super in-depth grasp on my favorite language and build a portfolio.  I’m also doing every math lesson on Khan Academy. I just like the way math makes me think and doing problems daily is really resharpening my problem-solving skills after they went unused for so long. Classes are great but I need to keep everything going daily, just like I do for training. Plus, classes can’t cover everything.
It’s not just about physical fitness here at the Hundo40. It’s about always learning and doing; overall self-improvement.
On to the week…
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Easy runs at 65-75% ranging in the 6-8 mile range. I mixed in some new routes because coach is trying to workout my heart-rate and my routes hit too many intersections. The stop and go just wasn’t working.
I also got 2 spins classes in, one focus on speed and the other on hills.
10 miles with 4 miles at 85%. I’m still struggling with these. Though, I always really have. So, I try to keep focused on the effort/feel of the whole thing.
What I’m changing this week is some strength training. I told Coach that I’ve always had tight and sore hamstrings and he suggested some curls. We have a machine at the gym BUT I worked out a method with the band thanks to some YouTube instruction. I have two bands, so I have one tied up and saved the good one for my back and arm work. I started with the gym today but I also used the band a few times just to warm up instead of just squats and stretching.
We also climbed for 30 minutes. I got 4 reps of 5.7, 5.8, 5.8 and 5.9.
Optional workout and I’ve been getting the speed in rather consistently now. I really like spikes and my track.
10 miles total with 8 x 1:00 hard 2:00 easy. I never thought I’d like timed workouts over distance but my just programming it in the Garmin, I can do with without thinking and before I know it, it’s over. They’re actually easier than distance-based workouts lately.
Later that night it was hammy curls at the gym and climbing for 30 minutes – 5 reps of 5.7, 5.8, 5.8, 5.9 and 5.9.
Shorter long run this week of 12 miles and 3 pick-ups of 2 miles each. Each repeat was slightly harder than the last. So far, these are easier than longer pick-ups. It may be just mental but I prefer shorter intervals over a 4-5 mile pick up at this point.
I may make sections on here with cooking, crafts and academic/professional things soon or redirect my name domain to a personal website while keeping the 140 on this blog. We’ll see. Lot’s to organize still.
Annnnd now off to the land of cooking dinner and then C++ for a bit!


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